Our third annual I.D.E.A. Report (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability) looks at what we’ve achieved over the last year. Our stats reflect ongoing and modest growth. We’ve made all-important steady progress and focused on becoming even more authentic. And because there are no tick boxes in sight, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is something that has inspired our people to do things that inspire. That’s something we’re really proud of.

inclusion that inspires

Inclusion that inspires meaningful growth

Whether it’s numbers, plants or step counts, we’re all interested in growth. But we’ve seen it in an area that really matters: the representation of our people. And through our emerging talent programs, lots of people have discovered the world of programmatic and given us their unique perspectives. (That’s what we call a win-win.)

Our managers?

47% are women!

(Up from 33% from 2020.)


An incredible


of new hires are bipoc.

In 2 years,


managers have grown

from 20% to



people joined an emerging talent program, and over a dozen were hired.

(*When referencing gender, this is a global stat. And when referencing BIPOC, this is “ROW”, which means the rest of the world, excluding India.)

inspired miqers
Inclusion that inspires equity

Actions speak louder than words. That’s why we’re so inspired by the actions of our people. Their proactivity and passion runs through everything we do, helping us to embed systemic change and champion equity. And when it comes to our salary bands for gender or race/ethnicity, there is still no pay inequity. Dandi also found that we are 2.4% in favor of BIPOC, yet 1.4% in favor of men. These small gaps have got a little bigger since last year, so we’re on a mission to keep them as close to 0 as possible.


of MiQers agree that “MiQ is genuinely committed to providing equal access to opportunities to people from all backgrounds.”

Pay inequity?

We’ve squashed it,

2 years running!

stephanie busby makes sure quity

Inclusion that inspires more voices

We’re a “got your back”, and never a “gotcha” culture. So we’re doing even more to help MiQers to speak up and look out for each other.
Inclusion that inspires more voices
We rolled out mandatory Bystander Intervention training to 800 MiQers, and a few of our clients!
Inclusion that inspires more voices
We encouraged more and more feedback.
Inclusion that inspires more voices
We enabled great tools to report misconduct.
discover why miqers created empowering training

So, what’s next? We want to inspire more MiQers, more people in the industry and more people outside of the industry. We want to inspire more communication, consistency and clarity, along with more awareness, guidance, and everyday inclusion. We want to inspire the kind of change that changes lives. Watch this space.

Looking ahead, we’ve got a clear plan to keep us on track.

Here are a few things that we’ll be concentrating on...

Evolving our global standards, guidelines, and policies.

Assessing the accessibility of all MiQ spaces.

Focusing on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).


Taking our employee value proposition to the next level.

tom hatton tells us about conversations

After more info? We don't blame you - it's all fascinating stuff. Delve into the detail and download: “Inclusion that inspires: the data behind our third annual I.D.E.A. Report.”

If you'd like to join us, support these initiatives, or chat about approaches to diversity, equity, and inclusivity, we’d love to connect. Please reach out to: global-dei@miqdigital.com